pork barrel - определение. Что такое pork barrel
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Что (кто) такое pork barrel - определение

Pork barrel spending; Pork barreling; Pork Barreling; Pork barrell; Pork barrel politics; Pork barrel legislation; Pork barrelling; Pork-barrel spending; Pork-Barrel Project; Pork-barrel project; Pork-barrel legislation; Pork (politics); Porkbarrel; Porkbarrelling; Pork-barrel; Pork spending; Pork-barrelling
  • 1917 cartoon from the ''[[New York World]]''

pork barrel         
¦ noun N. Amer. informal the use of government funds for projects designed to win votes.
pork-barrelling noun
early 20th cent.: from the use of a barrel to keep a reserve supply of meat.
pork barrel         
also pork-barrel
If you say that someone is using pork barrel politics, you mean that they are spending a lot of government money on a local project in order to win the votes of the people who live in that area. (mainly AM)
Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.
N-SING: usu N n [disapproval]


Pork barrel

Pork barrel, or simply pork, is a metaphor for the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district.

The usage originated in American English, and it indicates a negotiated way of political particularism.

Примеры произношения для pork barrel
1. Pork barrel barbecue sauce.
Shark Tales _ Barbara Corcoran _ Talks at Google
2. I mean, pork barrel barbecue sauce,
Shark Tales _ Barbara Corcoran _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для pork barrel
1. Virgin Islands, denied the rum measure is "pork barrel" spending.
2. We could eliminate every dime of pork–barrel spending.
3. When they‘ve linked it to unrelated spending, you‘ve argued pork barrel.
4. "This is not just another standard pork–barrel protectionist measure," an EU official said.
5. People are looking around at the pork–barrel spending and the petty politics, the backbiting.